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Одна лишь Джоанна знает ответы на все эти вопросы. Теперь ей предстоит нелегкая задача — не разочаровать своих поклонников. И еще мне интересно: что напишет Дж. К. Ролинг после завершения «Гарри Поттера»? Ее ничто не обязывает в будущем к публикации своих произведений. Если даже она не напишет больше ни строчки, «Гарри Поттер» навсегда останется свидетельством ее непревзойденного дарования. Ральф Вальдо Эмерсон писал: «Чтобы стать писателем, одного таланта недостаточно. За книгой должна стоять личность». За Дж. К. Ролинг — автором стоит Джоанна Ролинг — женщина. Возможно, немного робкая и временами несдержанная, но очень страстная женщина со стальной волей. Годы лишений — нищета, депрессия, неудавшийся брак, болезнь и смерть матери — закалили ее личность и придали отточенность ее таланту.

И в конце концов, благодаря любви и поддержке друзей и семьи, благодаря дочери Джессике и мальчику-волшебнику по имени Гарри Поттер она одержала победу.


ROWLING, J. К., Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Bloomsbury, 1997 ROWLING, J. K., Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Bloomsbury, 1998 ROWLING, J. K., Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Bloomsbury, 1999 ROWLING. J. K., Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Bloomsbury, 2000 WHISP, KENNILWORTHY, Quidditch Through the Ages, Bloomsbury, 2001 SCAMANDER, NEWT, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, Bloomsbury, 2001 ATTENBOROUGH, JOHN, “Goudge, Elizabeth de Beauchamp”, Dictionary of National Biography AUSTEN, JANE, Emma, Penguin, 1996 BARR, ANN & YORK, PETER, The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook, Ebury Press, 1982 CLAPP, BRIAN, The University of Exeter: A History, University of Exeter, 1982 DICKENS, CHARLES, A Tale of Two Cities, Penguin, 2000 FRASER, LINDSEY, Telling Tales: An Interview with J. K. Rowling, Mammoth, 2000 GOUDGE, ELIZABETH, The Little White Horse, Lion, 2000 LEIGHTON, CHRISTINE, Tutshill C of E School 150 Years in Education, 1999

Leith Academy prospectus 2001

LEWIS, С. S., The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Collins, 2001

MITFORD, JESSICA, Hons and Rebels, Quartet, 1979 POTTER, DENNIS, The Changing Forest, Minerva, 1996 TOLKIEN, J. R. R., The Lord of the Rings, Harper Collins, 1991 Who’s Who 2001

WISEMAN, DR PETER, “Honorary Degree Oration”, University of Exeter, 14 July 2001

Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre prospectus 2001 BOSHOFF, ALISON, “Bringing Harry to Life”, Daily Mail, 6 January 2001 BOWNESS, MARK, “US Author Sues”, Sun, 16 March 2001 BROCKLEBANK, JONATHAN, ‘J. K.’s Magic Moments’, Daily Mail, 18 December 2000 BROWN, ANNIE, “Joanne Will Earn £8om . . Daily Record, 6 March 2000 BUCKWELL, ANDREW, “Potty Over Mrs Potter”, Sunday Mirror, 25 June 2000 CARRELL, SEVERIN, “Harry Potter and the Horrible Hackette”, Independent, 5 September 2000 CARTER, SIMON, “Wizard Author Honoured”, Exeter Express & Echo, 14 July 2000 CLEAVE, MAUREEN, “Wizard with Words”, Daily Telegraph, 3 July 1999 COCHRANE, LYNNE, “Harry’s Home”, Sunday Times, 2 July 2000

CORMACK, JOHN and TODD, STEPHANIE, “For Sale . . . the Harry Potter Cafe”, Edinburgh Evening News, 28 April 2001

COWELL, ALAN, “All Aboard the Potter Express”, New York Times, 10 July 2000 DAVIES, HUGH, “Harry Potter Actor Proves a Wizard”, Daily Telegraph, 24 August 2000 ENGLISH, REBECCA, “I Loved and Lost the Woman who Created Harry Potter”, Daily Mail, 10 July 2000

FORD, MATTHEW, “Potter Scenes to be Filmed in City”, Gloucester Citizen, 7 August 2000 GIBBS, EDDIE, “Tales from a Single Mother”, Sunday Times, 29 June 1997

GORDON, GILES, “Egg-citing News”, Edinburgh Evening News, 6 January 2001 GRAY, PAUL, “The Magic of Potter”, Time Magazine,

25 December 2000 HAMILTON, ALAN, “Monarch Meets the Queens of Fiction”, The Times, 23 March 2001 HARDY, JAMES, “Brown Slams Old Boy Universities Network”, Daily Mirror, 26 May 2000 HARRISON, DAVID, “Harry Potter and the Lost Profits of M&S”, Sunday Telegraph, 24 December 2000 HATTENSTONE, SIMON, “Harry, Jessie and Me”, Guardian, 8 July 2000

HENDERSON, PAUL, “Harry Potter Helped Wreck Our Marriage”, Mail on Sunday, 14 November 1999 HILL, AMELIA, “Harry Potter and the Small Snubbed Fans”, Observer, 9 July 2000 JENKINS, SIMON, “It’s Yesterday Once More”, The Times, 13 October 1993 KNOWLES, MATTHEW, “Sad Final Chapter”, Daily Mail,

19 December 2000 KNOWLES, MATTHEW, “J. K. Rowling, her Handsome Doctor...”, Mail on Sunday, 13 May 2001 LEVIN, ANGELA, “She Scribbled her First Book ...”, Daily Mail, 10 October 1998 LEWIS, TAMZIN and McGiLL, CRAIG, “Magic Hols for J. K.”, Sunday Mirror, 6 May 2001 LIVELY, PENELOPE, “Harry’s in Robust Form”, Independent, 13 July 2000

LLOYD DAVIES, MEGAN, “Wizard of a Book”, Exeter Express & Echo, 9 July 1999 McCRUM, ROBERT, “It is High Time Writers Reclaimed Observer, 25 March 2001

MULFORD, SARAH, “Meet Harry Potter”, Daily Record, 3 July 2000

PALTA, LISA, “The Universal Popular Phenomenon Harry Potter”, OK! Magazine, 23 February 2001 POOR, SALLY, “J. K. Rowling Given Honorary Degree”, Daily Telegraph, 15 July 2000 PURVES, LIBBY, “All Aboard for Hogwarts”, Times Education Supplement ( TES), 8 October 1999 REYNOLDS, NIGEL, “Harry Potter Rides to Author’s Rescue”, Daily Telegraph, 7 July 1997 REYNOLDS, NIGEL, “Children’s Book of Magic”, Daily Telegraph, 8 July 1998 RICE, DENNIS, “Lost Love who First Saw Harry Potter", Express on Sunday, 14 November 1999 RICE, DENNIS, “Potter Millions Mean Nothing”, Daily Express, 15 November 1999 RICE, DENNIS, “Harry Potter and the Dark Family Secret”, Sunday Express, 21 January 2001 ROSSER, NIGEL, “Harry’s Bloomsbury Set”, Evening Standard, 30 March 2001 ROWLING, J. K., “J. K. Rowling’s Diary”, Sunday Times,

26 July 1998

ROWLING, J. K., “Did They All Think I was a Scrounger?”, Sun, 4 October 2000 ROWLING, J. K., “All About My Mother”, Scotland on Sunday, 22 April, 2001

SEATON, MATT, “The Magic Touch”, In Style Magazine, May 2001

SMITH, DAVID, “Rowling Tells Little White Lie”, Daily Express, 26 December 2000 Sunday Times Rich List 2001

SMITH, EMILY, “Harry Potter Drugs Shock”, Sun, 8 January 2001

THOMPSON, TANYA, “First Attempt at Fantasy Becomes £100,000 Reality”, Scotsman 8 July 1997

TRENEMAN, ANN, “Harry and Me”, The Times, 30 June, 2000

WALSH, JOHN, “Simply Mad About the Girls”, Independent, 31 January 2001 WEINRAUB, BERNARD, “New Potter Book Casts Spell”, New York Times, 3 July 2000 WEIR, MARGARET, “Of Magic and Single Motherhood”, Salon on-line magazine, 31 March 1999 WILLIAMS, ALEXANDRA, “J. K. Rowling Conjures up new £4.5m Pad”, Daily Record, 13 July 2000 WILSON A. N., “A Wizard Way with Politics”, Evening Standard, 8 January 2001 WOODS, JUDITH, “Coffee in One Hand Scotsman,

20 November 1997 Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 2, 10 November 2000 With Great Pleasure, BBC Radio 4, 25 May 2000 The Magical World of Harry Potter: The Unauthorized Story of J. K. Rowling, DVD, Eaton Entertainment, 2000 Congregation for the Deferment of Degrees, University of Exeter, Visions Unlimited, 2000





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